2015 Sermons

Trust Sunday December 27, 2015

Some Completely Missed the Baby Sunday December 20, 2015

What a Christian Should Look Like Sunday December 13, 2015

The Gift that Keeps on Giving Sunday December 6, 2015

Sharespiration Sunday November 29, 2015

Understanding Thanksgiving Sunday November 22, 2015

Should We Complain or Give Thanks? Sunday November 15, 2015

You Are Not Alone Sunday November 8, 2015

What Does God Expect of Me Sunday November 1, 2015

How Comfortable Are You? Sunday October 25, 2015

Surrender to the Cross Sunday October 18, 2015

Making it to the End Sunday October 11, 2015

Taking Ownership of Your Faith Sunday September 27, 2015

Going Hard After God Sunday September 20, 2015

Are You an Asset or a Liability? Sunday September 13, 2015

Where There is No Vision, The People Will Perish Sunday September 6, 2015

Sharespiration Sunday August 30, 2015

Commitment to Christ Sunday August 23, 2015

Are you a Firefighter or a Firestarter? Sunday August 16, 2015

The Purpose of the Lord’s Supper Sunday August 9, 2015

Put Me In Pastor! What Game Am I Playing? Sunday August 2, 2015

What is Your Dream for New Life Fellowship? Sunday July 26, 2015

Why Is It So Important to Guard Your Heart? Sunday July 19, 2015

We Need to Free Ourselves From Religion Sunday July 12, 2015

What Do You See? What Do You Say? What Do You Show? Sunday July 5, 2015

Fixer Upper Sunday June 28, 2015

Who is Jesus Sunday June 21, 2015

Focusing on the Gospel Sunday June 7, 2015

Sharespiration Sunday May 31, 2015

Making a Christian Difference in 2015 Sunday May 24, 2015

Restoring Power to our Lives and in our Church Sunday May 17, 2015

A Parent’s Responsibility to Teach Our Children Sunday May 10, 2015

What Should Christians Wear to Worship Sunday May 3, 2015

Deacons’ Preachin’ Sunday April 26, 2015

The Shortfalls of Judas Sunday April 19, 2015

Suffering: Youth Led Sermon Sunday April 12, 2015

Jesus, the Resurrected King! Sunday April 5, 2015

Sharespiration Sunday March 29, 2015

Grace Sunday Sunday March 22, 2015

Who is Jesus? Sunday March 15, 2015

Baby Dedication Sunday March 8, 2015

Church and Missions Sunday March 1, 2015

Christian Maintenance Sunday February 22, 2015

How Do We Improve Our Love Languages? Sunday February 15, 2015

True Love! Sunday February 8, 2015

Are We Killing the Church and Don’t Even Know It? Sunday February 1, 2015

Your Powerful Testimony Sunday January 25, 2015

What is True Discipleship? Sunday January 18, 2015

How to Make the Most of 2015 Sunday January 11, 2015

How to Benefit from God’s Word Sunday January 4, 2015



Trust December 27th

Tom Mallory: The Anchor Holds

Jack Timmons:

“I am Meth” by Samantha Reynolds (2000)

Ms. Crystal Meth

I destroy homes. I tear families apart. I take your children, and that’s just the start. I’m more valued than diamonds, more precious than gold. The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.

If you need me, remember; I’m easily found. I live all around you, in school and in town. I live with the rich. I live with the poor. I live just down the road, and maybe next door.

I’m made in a lab, but, not in one like you think. I can be made under your kitchen sink. Or in your child’s closet, and even out in the woods. If this scares you to death, it certainly should.

I have many names, but there’s one you’ll know best. I’m sure you’ve heard of me: My name’s Crystal Meth. My power is awesome. Try me, you’ll see. But if you do, you may never break free. Just try me once, and I might let you go. But if you try me twice, then I own your soul.

When I possess you, you’ll steal and you’ll lie. You’ll do what you have to, just to get high. The crimes you’ll commit for my narcotic charms will be worth the pleasure you’ll feel in my arms.

You’ll lie to your mother. You’ll steal from your dad. When you see their tears you must not feel sad. Just forget your morals, and how you were raised. I’ll be your conscience. I’ll teach you my ways.

I take kids from their parents. I take parents from kids. I turn people from God. I separate friends. I’ll take everything from you; even your good looks, and your pride. I’ll be with you always, right there by your side.

You’ll give up everything; your family, your home, your money, your friends. You’ll be all alone. I’ll take and I’ll take, ’til you’ve no more to give. When I finish with you, you’ll be lucky to live.

If you try me, be warned: THIS IS NOT A GAME. If I’m given the chance, I’ll drive you insane. I’ll ravage your body. I’ll control your mind. I’ll own you completely. Your soul will be mine.

The nightmares I’ll give you when you’re lying in bed. And the voices you’ll hear, from inside your head. The sweats, the shakes, and the visions you’ll see; I want you to know these are your gifts. From me.

By then it’s too late, and you’ll know in your heart that you are now mine, and we shall not part. You’ll regret that you tried me. (They always do.) But you came to me, not I to you.

You knew this would happen. How many times were you told? But you challenged my power. You chose to be bold. You could have said ‘no’, and then walked away. If you could live that day over, now what would you say?

My power is awesome, as I told you before. I can take your mother and turn her into a whore.

I’ll be your master and you’ll be my slave. I’ll even go with you when you go to your grave.

Now that you’ve met me, what will you do? Will you try me or not? It’s all up to you. I can show you more misery than words can tell.

Come, take my hand, and let me lead you to Hell.

Reynolds, S. (2000). Ms. crystal meth. Retrieved from http://www.snopes.com/glurge/iammeth.asp

Jerry Rapp:

Excerpts from Dr. David Jeremiah’s The Bible and the New Year.

Top 8 Reasons to Read the Bible:
Produce Spiritual Growth

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Some Completely Missed the Baby December 20th

Luke 2:1-20

Four Groups of People who Missed the Baby

1. The Innkeeper

Didn’t have room for the Messiah. He was busy with getting everyone settled in.

Are we too distracted by all the world offers now?

2.  Other Travelers

Busy with getting settled,  getting their business done,  not really focusing on other people. Could they have stopped a moment to talk to the other people and see how Mary was doin?

Are we too busy and don’t have time to find out about Him?

3. Herod

Herod knew the prophecy and the Wise Men told him about the star. Herod was a man of great power and knew that the Messiah had arrived, but he was scared. His kingdom and power were in danger he thought. He was afraid of what he’d lose.

Are we too scared to let Him take control of our lives?

4. Religious Leaders

Herod knew about the prophecy and the star. The religious leaders at the time also knew. Knowing this,  the leaders never checked out Bethlehem. They had the head knowledge,  but appear indifferent.  Maybe they were worried about their power and position being jeopardized by this baby,  but still did nothing.

Are we too ignorant or indifferent to our need for the Savior?

Closing Song: Joy to the World (George Frideric Handel & Isaac Watts,  1719, Public Domain)

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What A Christian Should Look Like December 13th

Acts 6:8


Acts 6:3-5


Acts 6-8


Acts 7:2-3


Acts 7:51-53


Acts 7:54-60

Revelation 2:10

Closing Song: Wherever He Leads I’ll Go (B.B. McKinney, 1936)

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The Gift that Keeps on Giving December 6th

John 3:16-21

John 14:1-4

Romans 5:8

John 14:6

John 6:47

Mark 1:15

Revelation 21:4

Revelation 3:20

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Sharespiration November 29th

1st Sunday of Advent: Hope
Worship Scripture- Romans 8:24-25

Jesus Messiah (Chris Tomlin, Daniel Carson, Ed Cash, & Jesse Reeves, 2008)

Cornerstone (Edward Mote, Eric Liljero, Jonas Myrin, Reuben Morgan, & William Batchedler Bradbury, 2011)

Romans 8:24-25 “For in this hope we were saved. now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

O Come  O Come Emmanuel (John Mason Neale & Thomas Helmore, Public Domain)

Francis Stogsdill- He Leadeth Me

Jerry Stogsdill- “Witness of the Walking Stick”

Tom Mallory- Mary, Did You Know?

Children’s Deparatment- Review of Exoduc

Elizabeth Wakeman- This is Christmas

Caleb Smithson- Beatbox

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Understanding Thanksgiving November 22nd

Ephesians 5:19-20

1 Thessalonians 5:18

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Should We Complain or Give Thanks? November 15th

In our society and today, it appears that we are a society of complainers. We have gotten to a point that it isn’t good enough for one to just complain but to invite others to join onself in movements or groups to just complain.

In the song, “Trust and Obey” we are called to walk in the light of His word. It is hard to complain when you are in the Word. Instead of saying, “Thank you, Lord,” we tend to say, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but…,” “I shouldn’t say this, but….”

Lamentations 3:39-40

“Why should the living complain when punished for their sins? Let us examine our ways and return to the Lord.”

1. Complaining denies God’s sovereignty.

Number 11:1

God had given the Israelite people mercy and safety, yet the people still complained.
Our complaining shows our dissatisfaction with God’s workings in our life. It shows that we think God isn’t doing all He can do or that He is lacking in some way.

God was upset with the people for their complaints. Complaining is a symptom of a deep seeded problem- discontent.

Are you truly content with what the Lord determines for you? When plans are ruined because of the weather, are we content with what the Lord determined for us? When a job offer falls through, are we content with what the Lord determined for us?

2. Complaining Disrupts Christian Unity

Moses had sent 10 spies into the Promised Land. 9 of the spies returned with complaints and fears- the people are too big, we are too little, they are too strong, we are too weak. Caleb spoke up and said that with the Lord, they could overtake the people, but he was in the minority. Negative voices were the loudest that day.

Complaining doesn’t change anything or make situations better. It amplifies frustration, spreads discontent and discord.

3. Complaining Discredits Christian Testimony

Philippians 2:14-16

Paul and Silas were arrested and jailed. While in jail, they sang praises to God and were thankful for their situation. They were content with whatever God had determined for them. Because of their lack of complaining, the jailers were brought to Christ. What if Silas would have said, “Paul, you big shot, you had to show off and cast the demon out. Now look at the trouble we’re in. Why couldn’t you just have left that demon possessed person alone? Oops! The Christian testimony of Paul and Silas towards the jailers certainly would have been discredited. They would have had no reason to ask Paul and Silas what they needed to do to be saved. They would have been thinking to themselves, “How do we stay away from this Christian thing?”

Ephesians 1:11

Closing Song: Make Me A Blessing (George S. Schuler & Ira Bishop Wilson, 1924)

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You Are Not Alone November 8th

Hello My Name Is (Matthew West, 2012)

John 14:15-31

A lot of people, Christians specifically, feel lonely or not a part of something bigger than themselves. In the Bible, Jesus says if you believe I am always with you, there is a promise to be a part of something bigger.

In the beginning of John 14, Jesus is speaking to the disciples that He is preparing a place for them. One of the disciples asked where He is going. Jesus responds with telling them that He is leaving them, but the Holy Spirit will come to them. They will not be alone. They will never be left.

We need to trust in Christ. Give all of ourselves to Him. Even when we can’t see what is happening or understand what He has planned, we need to trust in Him. Always look to Jesus in your life. Don’t try to do it on your own. When you trust in Jesus, when you allow the Holy Spirit to work in you from head to toe, He will change your life. There will be days that you question, but He will never leave you.

Dismissal to Basement for Baptisms

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What Does God Expect of Me? November 1st

Romans 12:1-8

1. God Expects a Living Sacrifice

Romans 12:1

2. God Expects Us to be Transformed

1 Corinthians 4:7

Matthew 20:28

Romans 12:3

Romans 12:5

Closing Song: From the inside out (Joel Houston, 2005)

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How Comfortable Are You? October 25th

1. Study the Word

2 Timothy 2:15: we are called to present ourselves to God as someone who isn’t ashamed of our actions and as a people who “correctly handles the word of truth.”

2. Meditate on the Word

Psalm 119:97

3. Work out the Word daily in our lives

Philippians 2:12-13

1 John 2:12-14

Closing Song: Ancient Words (Lynn DeShazo, 2001)

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Surrender to the Cross October 18th

Luke 9:57-62
A battleship boat captain was in a message war with another person over altering their course on the sea so as to avoid a collision. After several messages had been exchanged, the battleship captain tells the other person that he has to change alter his course 10 degrees to the north. Finally the other person replies that he will not move, he is the lighthouse.

Sometimes we think our plans are right and they will work, but we don’t always see all the circumstances involved. The battleship captain tried to avoid a collision, but failed to see that it was he that had to change.

1. You Must Submit Your Life to Jesus

Luke 9:57-58
Jesus wasn’t turning the man away who wanted to follow Him, but rather explaining the cost. There is a cost to following Christ. To truly be a Christian we have to surrender ourselves to Christ completely. The cost of being a Christian is letting go of all your sin and letting Him take control fully. The man in the scripture really wants to follow Christ, but there is a “but.”

Surrender is the action of yielding of one’s person or the possession of something into the power of another, as described by Wester’s Dictionary. Note the definition does not claim that of “yielding part of one’s person” but rather the whole person.

Oftentimes a commitment to doing something involves talk, but a surrender requires action.

Mark 1:19

The brothers James and John were also wanting to follow Christ, but were working on their boat. The brothers had to make a decision that to follow Christ meant to change their life’s plans.

Three things that might get in the way of following Christ are:

Personal Aspirations

Family Obligations

Social Expectations

2. You Must Deny This World

Luke 9:59-60

3. You Must Focus on The Kingdom

Luke 9:61-62

Romans 12:1-2

Luke 9:61

Luke 9:62

Closing Song: I Surrender All (Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter & Winfield Scott Weeden, 1896,  Public Domain)

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Making it to the End October 11th

1 Peter 5:6-11

Suffering for our faith will come to an end. Every missed job promotion, lost home, lost family member, lost limb, or lost life will come to an end and we won’t have to deal with them anymore. What a blessing to know that the Lord has secured this for us.

How can I endure suffering? That is a tough question. There are so many people that hurt in so many ways. Sometimes it is physical, or mental, or emotional. We suffer everyday. How do we overcome it, when those trials come upon us. It is so easy to blame God or others. The question should be, “What should I do to acknowledge the trial.”

1 Peter 5:6-11- we need to humble ourselves and cast our anxiety on him.

Verse 1- “Humbles yourselves…under God’s mighty hand…” We have asked ourselves, “Why has this happened to me?” We usually ask God this question. We don’t need to question why as much as we need to ask, “How do we overcome?” Rather than resort to our natural reactions of blaming others or getting mad, we need to resort to God’s help and comfort.

1. Accepting God’s Purposes

We have to be in a bad situation to be lifted up. James 4:10- “Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up.” We might not understand the trial, we know that when we seek God and His comfort, we are growing in our faith. We have to learn to be humble. Pride gets in our way. As pride gets in the equation, a lack of humbleness occurs. Our pride isn’t going to get us anywhere. By being humbled, we are truly blessed. Humbleness begins with us getting closer to God: prayer and the reading of His word.

Humbleness means we have to accept difficult times. Jesus did this in one of the most difficult times ever. Philippians 2:8-9- “And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death- even death on a cross!

1 Peter 5:7- “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” When we are angry at others, we need to stop and look to God for guidance and direction. We need to give Him our cares.
Psalm 55:22- “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you,” and Matthew 6:25-32- we are not to worry because God takes care of His creation.

2. Resisting Satan’s Ploys

1 Peter 5:8 describes Satan as a roaring lion prowling to find someone to devour. He wants to twist your mind and mess you up. It is easier to get you mad and angry and no longer seeking God to overcome the issue. We are called to “be alert and of sober mind” (1 Peter 5:8) or not distracted. God will help us through the trials. Satan looks to destroy and prolong. Ephesians 6:13 calls us to put on the full armor of God to protect us and prepare us for daily battle. James 4:7- “Submit yourselves, then,to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” We are to resist the devil, not fall for his schemes and remain in trials longer.

How do we resist? We follow Christ.

3. Trusting God’s Promises

Most passages are wishes or prayers for the believers. These passages are filled with God’s hope. 1 Peter 5:10 promises us that God will restore us and make us strong, firm, and steadfast. We will persevere. Luke 22:32 encourages us to lean on each other and strengthen each other. we need to pray for each other and help each other.

Closing Song: Draw Me Close (Kelly Carpenter, 1994)

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Taking Ownership of Your Faith September 27th

Acts 9:1-6

How many people actually clean a rental car? How many people actually make a hotel bed? Often times because we don’t own things, we don’t necessarily feel obligated to take care of them.

Ownership involves passion. Some of us are passionate about sports. They are willing to spend money to take ownership in it- tickets, attire, time. Some of us are passionate about our families and we take ownership in it. If we are truly passionate about it, we will take ownership in it.

It is important that in our relationship with God we must see God as the primary owner in everything. He is in charge of us. We must be passionate about giving him ownership over us and our lives.

A. We need to see God as the primary owner
B. We need to “buy into” what He is doing (or be convicted)
C. We need to become partners in what He is doing.

The New Life Fellowship Mission:
The mission of New Life Fellowship is to exalt God in all His glory, equip members for life leadership, and evangelize unbelievers locally and globally.

This church approved the mission, but how many people haven’t taken ownership of the mission. The mission exists, but nothing is done about it. We should wake up in the morning and be ready to exalt God in all His glory. We should look for opportunities to help build others up and disciple others in leaders. We should accept opportunities to evangelize those we meet.

Maybe we thought we had taken ownership of our faith, but find out that we really haven’t. Saul thought that he was doing good for his God, but found out that he was on the wrong path. Sometimes we have to change what we are doing.

It is no one’s choice who takes ownership but ours. What is your choice?

Closing Song: I Surrender (Matt Crocker, 2011)

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Going Hard After God September 20th

Psalms 63:1-8

Sometimes we feel like we’ve met our obligation towards God. David clearly feels like he has not met an “obligation,” but that a pursuit is constantly on. One of Pastor Mike’s favorite shows is “COPS” because he likes to watch the pursuit. Cats chasing mice is a pursuit. No matter how many times the cat fails, he still pursues the mouse. Lazy cats, however, will watch the mouse run right by them and do nothing. Do we feel like a lazy cat sometimes? We don’t always feel like we need to pursue after God.

Holden recently had a truck and tractor pull. Sometimes we get all reved up and we drop the clutch and flying after God doing all we can to pursue Him. Then all of a sudden, life stick’s its nose in the way and we slam on the breaks. What do we do after that? Do we stop? “I’m tired of chasing after God. I’m don’t feel like…” We stop pursuing and wonder why we’ve never made it to the end of the track.

1. Reference – Know where we are

“You God are my God. I earnestly seek You.” Have you ever been thirsty? Really thirsty? Like you might not make it another hour if you don’t get a drink? David lived in the desert. There were probably many times when he felt like he might not find another drop of drink. He needed more of God, feeling like he was in a drought. David knew God’s glory and His favor, but cried out when he felt like it was missing from his life He pursued God. Are we getting our refreshment from God; a new passion for serving Him and running after Him.

2. See God as our only hope

At the tractor pull, several people put their hope in their skills when they built their tractors. They had hope in their machinery. Some got the end of the track and their hope paid off. Others hooked to that sled and didn’t get 100 ft. from the starting line and things started falling apart. One person’s Turbo Charger went out. He took it to the pits and tried again and succeeded. He didn’t give up the pursuit when things went off track.

Our track with Christ leads to eternal life with Him. It starts with our hope in Him. We have to have hope in Christ. David’s first words in Psalm 63 was “You God are my God. I earnestly seek You.” To seek Him means to be in His Word, to be in prayer with Him, to be in full relationship with God.

At the tractor pull, contestants had their families and friends running from the starting line to the finish line to greet their puller. Shouldn’t we also be that way with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Encouraging one another to do good and keep pursuing.

Psalm 18:6: We can cry out to God even in the midst of our distress. In all seasons, we can come to Him.

 3. Set Our Hearts to Seek God

We have to set our hearts to the place where God wants us to be. “I earnestly seek You.” If our heart’s not set in the right place, we can’t truly and earnestly seek Him.

Matthew 5:6: Blessed are those who …thirst for righteousness…”

4. The Results of Going Hard After God

A. A display of His Power and Glory

B. New Freedom in Praise and Worship

John 4:34

C. Inner Satisfaction of Soul

Psalms 107:9

Psalms 103:5

D. Freedom from fear

Psalms 4:8:

Psalms 63:7

Isaiah 26:3

Closing Song: Desert Song (Brooke Ligertwood, 2008)

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Are You an Asset or a Liability? September 13th

Philippians 3:4-11
Things in our life can be both an asset and a liability depending on what we do with them. One can brag about an education or training, but in doing so, it can become a liability. Giving God the glory in helping oneself through an education or training, or using the education and training to help further God’s kingdom, it can become an asset.

Investment: The action or process of investing money for profit or material result.

Or an act of devoting time, effort, energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.

1. Paul’s Assets Philippians 3:4-6

Leviticus 12:3 Paul was of the tribe of Benjamin. He was devote and did what was required of the law of the Pharisees. He was scrupulous in his devotion to God. According to his flesh, Paul was perfect in his keeping with God’s word. After he converted from hunting down those who didn’t follow the letter of the law, including those who believed in Jesus Christ, he began to count all of those assets as losses. They were liabilities since Christ was the most important. Everything else was less.

2. Paul’s Evaluation of his assets

Philippians 3:7-8a

Paul evaluated his previous assets as a loss “because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus” and everything else was second. Nothing could compare to the worth of knowing Christ. Even good ministry attempts can be a liability if not really done in the light of Christ. We have to keep the Main Thing the Main Thing.

3. Paul’s real asset Philippians 3:8b-11

Asset – that which helps me know Christ better

Liability – Those things that I place before God

Closing song: Knowing You (Graham Kendrick, 1993)

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Where There is not Vision, the People Will Perish September 6th

Proverbs 29:18

Pastor Mike blindfolded Lauren and asked her to follow his voice. He then walked away without making a sound. From across the room he repeated the directions to follow his voice. She moved very tentatively since he wasn’t giving her a lot of instruction. Eventually she was able to find him, but without her vision, it was difficult.

  1. Our Vision should build the church through EVANGELISM

Luke 10:1-3

Jesus didn’t sent only trained specific people to go out and evangelize. Many were sent. Evangelism is 99% availability. God can use us.
Mark 16:15-16
Whoever believes an is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned (NIV)

We are to take the opportunity to talk to people whenever and however God puts the opportunity in our path. Are we ready to provide what they need to hear from us?

  1. Our Vision should build the church through EXHORTATION

To exhort means to encourage. We are to encourage those who feel like giving up. We should encourage those who encourage us. We should be encouragdd and an encourager. People shared and taught those who would listen. They encouraged believers to a greater faith through Christ. We are to be encouaragers. If God has called us to do it, or a pastor has asked for us to help out, we should encourage others. Just because someone has said no in the past, doesn’t mean that she should assume that ia no will be said again. Encourage!

  1. Our Vision should build the church through EDIFICATION

To edify means to build up. In some ways, exhortation and edification are the same thing, but not always. If we are to move this church forward, we have to encourage each other and in some ways, building someone up is required. Sunday School, worship service, Bible studies can also be ways to encourage others.

Unfortunately, some people have become experts at tearing others down. It is a sad specialty that some cling to.

1 Thessalonians 5:11
We are called to encourage one another and build each other up… (NIV)

Sometimes we are in a position where our family and friends have a goal to be a thorn in our side. It seems like there is nothing we can do to help them overcome that.

There is enough bad in the world for everyone and we don’t need to share it within the walls of the church building.

Our job is to evangelize, exhort, and edify our community to bring them closer to Christ.

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Sharespiration August 30th

Worship Scripture: 1 John 5:14-15

Breathe on Us (2014)

A Prayer of Worship

Children’s Songs: Go Fish: Stories and Jesus Loves Me

Group: Hiding Place “If He Dies Because of Me”
“I’ve Just Seen Jesus”

Dennis Flannery: Get Thee Behind Me, Satan

Michael Wakeman, Tom Mallory, Stephen Jasper: America the Beautiful

Michael Wakeman: Trust and Obey

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Commitment to Christ August 23rd

2 Timothy 4:1-5

A member of the congregation shared how God worked in a situation in her life. She trusted in God when she herself couldn’t see a solution to a problem. When you are faithful in the small things, He will help you be faithful in the big things. Let us take every opportunity God gives us to shine a light into someone else’s soul.

Paul is speaking to Timothy during a time when there is trials and tribulation between people and their believes. Timothy is getting ready to go out and begin his ministry in preaching. Paul tells him to preach and be ready at all times. People will not want to listen to the Gospel, but instead to a version of the truth that suits themselves.

There is a old illustration about a frog and water. Put a frog in cold waterin a pot and gradually heat up the water to boiling, the frog will cook himself. He become comfortable and acclimated to his surroundings until it is too late to escape. Likewise, put a frog directly in boiling water and he will jump out immediately.

Christians are in a similar situation. The world is like the stove that is gradually heating up the world. Christians become accustomed to the newly accepted temperatures of the world and fail to fight back to untruths.

In some cases, Christians are actively seeking teachers who will tell then what they want to hear.

1 Peter 2:11-16

If God were to give you a nickname, what would it be? Would He call you a follow of Him or a true worshiper?

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Are You a Fire Starter or a Firefighter? August 16th

Jeremiah 1:6-9
Jeremiah had excuses, but God gave Jeremiah what he needed to be able to witness and go out to people. Sometimes we try to be firefighters and put out the fire that God has given us. We also try to put out other people’s  fires through our words or actions.

Out biggest firefighting technique is probably fear. We may have also forgotten how to start a fire. Some people stand guard with their fire extinguishers looking for the opportunity to help others become and stay stagnant.

Fires need three key parts: Oxygen, Heat, and Fuel.

Fire triangle

Christian fires also need three key parts: Oxygen, Heat, and Fuel.


The living God. The living God loves to breathe on his people and blow fresh life into us.


The love of God. The heat source of the church is the undeserved, unconditional love of God.


Us. People increasingly alive and awake to the living, loving God are the fuel of this fire.

Much like putting wood in a pile doesn’t make it spark, sitting in a pew doesn’t make you spark. You need the love of God and the availability to be used by God.

Don’t be a firefighter; Be a fire starter.

Closing Song: Build Your Kingdom Here (Rend Collective, 2011)

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The Purpose of the Lord’s Supper August 9th

1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Open and closed communion are the two most popular types. In closed communion, members of the church are invited to participate. In open communion, any believer welcome to participate regardless of whether they belong to the membership of the building or not.

Self-examination is a large part of communion and should be considered an act of worship. Self-examination should not be only done of Communion Sunday. It really should be a seven-day a week event, not a Sunday morning event.

1. It is a Symbolic Service

1 Corinthians 11:25- We remember Jesus and the agonizing death and crucifixion. Many churches have a table that read “This do in remembrance of Me.” We must remember what He has done for us.

Isaiah 52:14- Jesus was disfigured to a point of unrecognition.

2. It is a Sacred Service

It is to be held in a higher regard by those who participate. It possesses no saving power. Remember Christ through the juice and bread does no saving. It’s about getting your heart right before partaking.

1. It was instituted by Christ.
2. It was witnesses to Christ to ourselves.
3. It witnesses to Christ to others.

3.  It is a Special Service

We have the opportunity to repent our sins, our selfishness, and the opportunity to renew

1 Corinthians 11:18

1 Corinthians 11:28-34

4. It is a Solemn Service

Taking communion is one of the few forms of worship that has very little opportunity for the flesh to take over and try to receive glory. Testifying, preaching, praying, praising can all have a glimpse of the self, but communion is almost entirely free from the danger that the flesh will try and get some glory.

1 Corinthians 11:17-22

5. It is a Serious Service

1. Be sure you are saved.
2. Be sure you are right with the Lord.
3. Be sure you take it in the right spirit.

1 Corinthians 11:28-30

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Put Me In Pastor! What Game Am I Playing? August 2nd

2 Timothy 4:7
Paul had many trials in his life- jail, shipwreck, blinding lights, thirsty, hungry, persecuted. In all these things, he still says that he fought the good fight and kept the faith. In speaking to Timothy, Paul was offering coaching and the idea that Timothy should give up.

1. I went after what mattered (I fought the good fight)

Isaiah 58:6-14
God wants us to tend to others and not ignore the Sabbath.

Matthew 13:44-46
There is nothing more important than the Kingdom of Heaven. Living for Jesus is the kind of life that is worth giving everything else up to obtain. It is a fight worth fighting. Making God a priority is important.

The church needs to be and is committed to good coaching. Analogy about Albert Pujols being a great baseball player who still needs coaching; hitting coach, base coach, fielding coach.

2. I played by the rules (I kept the faith)

Paul didn’t cut corners or cheat. He had a strategy for growing and developing as a follower of Jesus Christ. In Corinthians, he talks of the strict training athletes follow to compete. In Philippians 3 he talks about forgetting the past and focusing on what lies ahead. In Celebrate Recovery, understanding the past is important to move forward. In Hebrews we are instructed to throw off the things that hinder and stay away from the sins that trip us up. If there is something in our lives that are keeping us from God, we need to get rid of it. If an athlete is using an incorrect swing or pitchers using wrong mechanics, the coach will help them “get rid of it” and replace it with something helpful.

Isaiah 55:1-2
Are we willing to get rid of the old and put on the new?

1 Corinthians 3:2
We have to mature as Christians to move from milk to solid food. Coaching is necessary. Followers of Jesus Christ must grow in maturity. We need to ask God to give us a hunger for what is spiritually beneficial.

Colossians 3:12-14
We need to put on the correct uniform. Are we “dressed” for the world or for Christ. We are to be clothed in “compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

Paul wants us to know that we can live to please God, but there are no shortcuts, no cheats. We cheat ourselves when we decide to not pray or go to church.

3. I didn’t quit (I finished the race)

During any distance race, there is a time when pressing on is tough, but important.

During the Royals’ Postseason and World Series run, this area was very excited. Imagine if we were to be that excited about Christ and doing His good works.

4. I reminded myself of the prize (there is in store for me a crown)

We have an ultimate prize ahead of us. How are training and being coached for it. What game are we actually playing?

Closing Song: We Fall Down (Chris Tomlin, 1998)

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What is Your Dream for New Life Fellowship? July 26th

Ephesians 2:19-22

God can give visions and dreams to us. It is okay to share dreams with others. Pastor Mike shared that a few people within the last few weeks had shared visions with him about him or the church.

Abraham and Joseph are just two examples of God giving dreams and visions from the Old Testament.

In the New Testament, God gave Joseph a dream to marry Mary. Pilate’s wife had a dream.

Dreams are not always clear, but we can be patient and wait for the Lord to reveal. Maybe we’re not in a position to receive all of the dream. There might be a trial or obstacle in our way. God continues to prepare our heart and mind.

Cornelius saw an angel who told him to go find Simon Peter. By listening to the dream, he was saved and his entire household.

1. I dream of people united in our church.

We need to be a church family without being a family church. We need to help people in our church. We need to be careful about being a clique that openly embraces each other but not visitors or the community. It can also have problems with the church creating cliques within the building. A family offers a place to belong.

2. I dream of a developmental process in the church.

Paul refers to a developmental process. Ephesians 4:11-12

Leaders have to be equippers, willing to equip others to receive the Word. If you are a leader in the church and do not regularly attend, you cannot be an equipper. All believers are to be growing in maturity. Believers must be equipped.

Ephesians 4:16

Just as the body is composed of several parts working together, the entire church should be actively serving.

We need to be more directed on discipleship.

3. I dream of a purpose in our church.

That everyone in the church knows their purpose. Ephesians 3:21. A purpose is bigger than me and you. The purpose is Jesus Christ. The purpose is bigger than people, than this place, this building, the difficulties we face. It is not measured by size.

Closing Song: Cornerstone (Edward Mote, Eric Liljero, Jonas Myrin, Reuben Morgan, & William Batchedler Bradbury, 2011)

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Why Is It So Important to Guard Your Heart? July 19th

1. Why Do We Need to Guard Our Heart?

Proverbs 4:20-27

2. What Do We Need to Guard Against?

Proverbs 28:13-14

Closing Song: Search My Heart (Joel Houston & Matt Crocker, 2010)

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We Need to Free Ourselves from Religion July 12th

Jesus spoke about the Pharisees, a group of devoutly religious leaders. The leaders had lost their relationship in favor of their religion. Think of the relationship between God and David, or God and Abraham, or God and Moses. The Pharisees were far from this type of relationship, but were experts in the legalistic rituals of religion.

Unfortunately, we may be like the Pharisees in one of 5 ways-

1. If You Don’t Practice What You Preach

Matthew 23:1-4
Armchair Christians generally don’t do any deeds. They’ll offer to pray and commend, but don’t always get to action. Sometimes these people are also referred to as hypocrites.

1 Corinthians 14:8

2. You Do What You Do to be Noticed by Others

Matthew 23:5-12

The Pharisees would loudly pray

3. You Keep People out of the Kingdom of God

Matthew 23:13 – 15

The Pharisees were evangelistic. They would seek others, but the conversion was for religion, not relationship.

4. You Read Scripture Looking for Loopholes

Matthew 23:16-25

The Pharisees would go to great length to be able to say something religious, but find a way to not be bound by those words.

5. You Are More Concerned with Image over Substance

Matthew 23:25-28

Jesus spoke about a dirty cup, in which the outside of the dish is cleaned, but the inside is dirty. The Pharisees were not being asked to be perfect, but to acknowledge their lack of substance.

6. You Deny Your Own Weakness

Matthew 23:29-33

The Pharisees had faults, but spoke out about their lack of faults. In the verses, Jesus refers to their attitude that they felt if they had lived in the times of their ancestors, they wouldn’t have been like them and killed the prophets. Jesus knows their hearts and challenges them to complete what their ancestors started, for He knew that they were exactly like their ancestors.

7. If This Sermon Angers You…

There is a little Pharisee inside all of us at this time. None of us are perfect. Our response to hearing the words of Jesus should be nothing less than, “Oh, Jesus, have mercy on this poor sinner…”

Closing Song: At the Cross (Darlene Zschech & Reuben Morgan, 2006)

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What Do You See? What Do You Say? What Do You Show? July 5th

Guest Pastor: Bobby Allen

You Are So Good To Me (Ben Pasley, Don Chaffer, & Robin Pasley, 1999)

(Jesus, Hold My Hand, I’ll Fly Away, Let’s All Go Down to the River)

Mark 5:21-30 Jesus Heals a Sick Woman

1. What Do You See?

Hebrews 11- You must believe in Jesus and He rewards those who seek Him.

God has given us talents and gifts. “Use it or lose it.” Our gifts can become stagnant and stale if we don’t use what He has given us if we don’t use it.

The story of the woman is told in three gospels. Mark’s telling is from Peter.

When we hear something we see something. The woman had a bleeding condition for over a decade. She heard about Jesus, she heard about His miracle working power, she heard about His saving grace. She could see herself being healed.

Seeing with spiritual eyes. When God is at work, it is not always cut and dry. We often times are looking too small. Story told about a broken down church. God tells the pastor and leadership, wait- don’t fix the building. It is a struggle to wait, but he waits. A random phone call from the insurance company a year later. The adjuster says that he was moving a stack of claims and the church’s claim falls on the floor. He then offers to help with the structural engineer to help with the building. A phone call later tells him from the report from the engineer, that the insurance company will pay for all the repairs at this time. It could have been “easy” to have gone out and gotten a loan and not waited as God asked, but the result was greater. God then tells the preacher to not fix an old building, but to buy land for the future. The church is on board for this because they are beginning to see with spiritual eyes.

2. What Do You Say?

What do you say about your pastor, church, church family? Imagine what could be released in this church if the murmuring and complaining ceased.

Do you describe your pastor as an ordained man of God, or someone who is (insert complaint here)?

Do you describe your church as on fire for God and a light in the community, or the place where (insert complaint here)?

Do you describe the worship as God inspired and giving God gory, or (insert complaint here)?

Psalm 42:5- David talked to himself and recognized that he was negative. He needed to stop the negative.

3. What Do You Show?

The woman heard about Jesus and began to see herself healed. Her father spoke aloud that she could be healed if she could only see Jesus. Finally, application. She went to Jesus. She did something. She showed her faith. She was healed.

Closing Song: Open the Eyes of My Heart (Paul Baloche, 1997)

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Fixer Upper June 28th

Guest preacher: Dennie Chesnut

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Who is Jesus? June 21st

Colossians 1:15-20

1.The Human Image of the Invisible God

Colossians 1:15

2. The Creator of All Things

Colossians 1:16

Genesis 1:1

3. He is the Head of the Body and of the Church

Colossians 1:18

Psalm 118:22-24

Ephesians 1:22

Ephesians 5:23

4. He is Our Father

Matthew 6:6-13

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Focusing on the Gospel June 7th

Galatians 1:3-16

Was there anything from Paul that sounds like the world today? Paul refers to the “present evil age” and we can still see this as applying to our lives today.

Paul was astonished that people were quick to turn to a different gospel, which Paul referred to as “no gospel at all.”

Nontruth is easier to spread than ever before. Technology allows information to move faster than ever before. It is our responsiblily as Christians to remain with the gospel that was given to us from God. Sometimes parts of the gospel are pulled out of context and used in ways inconsistent with the Word.

If anyone preaches anything other than the Word, let them be under God’s curse. VERSE

Churches are not social clubs for the Christian. They are a hospital for the sinner.  Admitting there is a problem is the first step in realizing that a Savior is needed.

Matthew 28 tells us to go into the world and spread the gospel. Our job is not to please people and change our gospel to better fit others. They need to know where they stand in relation to the Word and then work to change themselves. Christians are constantly needing to look at themselves in relation to God’s Word.

Share- a part or portion of a larger amount that is divided to a number of people, or to which a large number of people contribute. Are you sharing the Word of God? Are we all contributing, or sharing, our part.

Having been at a local restaurant recently, a man was heard talking about “Christian stuff.” The words that the man was sharing was not totally in line with the Word of God. Two preachers then began to defend the Word of God and the man eventually got up and left. The purpose of defending was to help others know the truth. Nontruth can contain bits of truth, but unless you are grounded in the Word, you can easily be swayed by something that sounds good.

Galatians 6:6-10

We are also called to share our blessing. The one who sows to please his sinful nature will reap destruction. The one who sows to please the Spirit will reap eternal life.

Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in well-doing…

Take no one’s lead, except God’s. Are we always ensuring that we are acting in accordance to God’s Word?

Galatians 1:3-16 Paul was a zealous Jew. He worked hard and did what he felt was right. When he had the opportunity to encounter Christ, he took off the old and put on the new. He changed and went for it. When he was called, he went. When he was commanded, he did.

Christians need to realize that there is sin in life. They need to take off the sinful self and continuously work to put on the new self.

Closing Song: He Has Made Me Glad (I Will Enter His Gates) (Leona Von Brethorst, 1976)

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Sharespiration May 31st

VBS All Church Commercial

Children’s Department

My God is Powerful

Power Shuffle

Emily: Piano Solo “The Butterfly”

Emily: Our God

Sharon: Piano Solo “Sing Alleluia”

Do You Really Care Fran

Denise: Testimony Ephesians 5:8-20

Rhonda and Chad: Testimony

Tom and Linda: Blessings

Tom: He’s Alive!

Allie: How Can It Be?

Tiffany: Forever

Ashley: I Saw the Light

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Congregants shared praises and blessings from their life this past week.
This is Memorial Day Weekend. We need to remember that Memorial Day is a day to remember the fallen soldiers; those who have given their lives for our freedom.

Moment of Silence

We have hopes and plans for our children. Wanting children to grow up doing what they love and following after God are two great examples of hopes.
We also should hope for 5 ideals for all people to know: Purpose, Principles, Power, Plan, and Place.

Scripture: Jude 1:21-23
Keep yourself in God’s love as we wait for the mercy of our lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.

What does it mean to keep ourselves in God’s love? We should be seeking after Him.

1. Know Your Purpose

If you are seeking God’s love, you will find your purpose. The purpose is like a vision. If there is no purpose, or vision, behind what we do, why do it?

1 John 3:8 “the one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” Does sin have a purpose? Why do we continue to do it then, without trying to find a purpose to stop. God’s love should be our purpose to stop.

2. Know Your Principles

Sadly, these seem to be missing today. What lies behind you and what lies ahead of you is not as important as what lies with you. Convictions are what you believe in: Principles are what you would die for.

Matthew 4
Jesus and the desert Temptation
Jesus and the devil in conversation demonstrated Jesus’ principles. He was unwilling to waver in His convictions and ultimately didn’t back down from His principles.

3. Know Your Power

Acts 10:38
Every one has gifts. We can make a difference. How are you affecting your world?

4. Know Your Plan

Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.”
We have the power to help spread the love of God.

5. Know Your Place

Matthew 9:35
The time and place is now!

Closing Song: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus (S. Sundar Singh, Late 1800s, Public Domain)

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Restoring Power to Our Lives and in Our Churches May 17th

What is power?
Strength, wisdom, courage- congregational ideas
The ability to do something or act in a particular way- Webster Dictionary

The Royals are having a great week. Imagine what would happen if the time that people spent watching the Royals was used for something else. Imagine what those resources and time could be used for instead. Small businesses lose money when their employees take off work or arrive late because of game times or extra innings. Their work suffers when something else becomes a priority.

1 Samuel 4:10-22

Israel suffered a terrible loss that day; 34,000 soldiers died in a single day, 2 priests and the sons of the high priest were killed in the battle, and the arc of God was captured by the Philistines. The glory of God had departed from Israel.
Israel isn’t the only place that has seen the glory of God depart. Across this nation, countless churches have lost the power. Do you believe Jesus changes lives? Do you believe Jesus restores families?Do you believe Jesus deliveres people from bondage? Then why don’t we see more of that happening in the church, in this church, today?

John 14:12-14
We sometimes walk to church and feel that we are here to perform a ceremony. We forget to involve the glory of God. In the first century, people complained that the Christians were “turning the world, upside down.” Now, most won’t even turn the other cheek. Where is the glory? Sadly, for many churches and even more Christians, the glory is gone.

So the question facing us is, “How do we get that power back in our lives? How do we restore the power to the church? We want to be a church that exalts God’s glory. Others should see the church and know that they are on fire. We want others to look at us at part of the church and say, “They know what Jesus is capable of and are excited.”

1. To see power again, we must look for the cause

We must look for the cause. If an electrical appliance stops working, don’t we check the plug? If that isn’t it, don’t we start taking things apart for find where the disconnect is? If there is no power, there must be a reason. Our churches are the same. If something isn’t working, then we need to find the cause. How sad for churches when others say, “That church is dead. There is no excitement. There is no glory.

4 causes for Israel’s issues:

1. Priests were out for themselves
1 Samuel 2:12-17- priests were taking what they wanted from offerings, not necessarily what God had asked them do.

2. Some people faked spirituality
1 Samuel 2:22- people pretended to “do” spirituality, even engaging in sexual immorality

3. Some put family before God
1 Samuel 2:29- God was no longer at the top of the priority list.
Psalm 127:1- Spending time with family is right and good, but what good does all of that accomplish if God is not working in your home?


4. Some thought like the world
1 Samuel 4:20-21- happiness is not found in things. Listening to the world will not bring the power-glory-joy to your life.

2. To see the power again, we must quit pretending

1 Samuel 7:2-3
The ark of the covenant was returned and the people pretended that was enough. They continued to play church since the ark was back. They cried liked they missed God, like they were sorry for what they had done. There are people today who want to act like they are upset with the condition of the church in America. They cry and act like they want revival in America, but they haven’t changed.
Pretending doesn’t get anything done.

3. To see power again, we must get serious

1 Samuel 7:4- Finally, after all that time, after all of that crying and complaining and weeping; finally, they decided to get serious. They finally got rid of the idols and the sin in their lives.

If we want to see revival in this church, if we want to see real revival in our community, if we want to see the power of God in our homes, then we need to get serious.
If we want power, there must be prayer. We need to quit complaining and start confessing. If you want God’s help, there must be holiness. If you want His strength, there must be sacrifice. If you want God, there must be godliness.

Closing: 2 Chronicles 7:14- If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land.

1 Samuel 7:7-13- When God’s people got serious, they confessed their sins, stopped pretending and turned back to God. He returned in a mighty way. Don’t we want that today?
Closing Song: Draw Me Close (Kelly Carpenter, 1994)

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A Parent’s Responsibility to Teach our Children May 10th

Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Moses speaks to the Israelites before they enter the Promised Land. Knowledge and fear of the Lord should be passed down from generation to generation.

1. We teach our children about God through our words

Your spiritual well being is important to establish before helping our children with their faith.
Verse 4: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind.
Are you well grounded in your faith? It is our responsibility for those of us who lead others (parents) to understand the quality of our spiritual and physical well-being because it  is directly related to our obedience to God.

Like the Israelites of old, we are tempted to pursue after many different false gods. If our focus is on anything more than God; if we place anything higher than God, we have false idols.  Thank about your conversations with your family this week. Did the topics include: school? work? sports? money? What about God? What you speak about is a reflection of the true focus of your heart.

Spiritual education should be more of life-instruction rather than information-instruction. Think to what the Israelites had? Did they have a Sunday School? Was information passed only by the church teachers? No. Children learned about God through their daily lives and from their parents. The religious leaders were a part of the instruction, but not the sole distributor.

2. We Teach Our Children About God Through Our Lives

Actions speak louder than words. Children determine their values in life according to how their parents act. How we live and the paths by which we choose to lead our children, has an even greater impact upon them. It is the daily choices we make concerning what we will do and strive for that reveal to our children what things we value most in life. Our words are only as good as the actions that support them.

Our lives should match our words. It’s hard to tell a child to “Do as I say, and not as I do.”

Closing Song: Everlasting God (Brenton Brown & Ken Riley, 2005)

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What should Christians wear to worship? May 3rd

1 Colossians 3:1-17

Does it really matter what a person wears to a church service? 1 Samuel 16:7 says that people are worried about what people look like on the outside, but the Lord is more concerned with a person’s heart. It may be sad, it may be wrong, but people do judge you on the way you dress.

God judges you on the way you dress spiritually. He will judge us based on the kind of “spiritual clothes” we are wearing. Are we wearing sexual immorality, impurity, rage, anger, filthy language? or are we wearing love, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

1. Worship is a lifestyle, not a one hour event.

Colossians 3: 1-4
Being raised in Christ means a change in the old person.  It requires three main things.
It requires your heart. It requires your mind. t requires our lives.

2. What NOT to wear to worship.

Colossians 3:5-8
Pauls gives us an idea of what things were are to shed and no longer wear after being raised with Christ.

Sexual immorality
Evil Desires
Filthy language/Lying

3. What to wear to worship

Colossians 3:12-14

When you become a Christian, everything changes. The old man dies in baptism, and a new creature is born. You take off the old clothes and put on new ones. This changing of clothes is a lifelong process it doesn’t just happen instantly.

We are to clothe ourselves with:

Forgive each other

4. The name on the label of our clothes does matter.

Colossians 3: 15-17

Thinking back to your high school days (or current trends). People feel like they have to wear just the perfectly labeled clothing. Name brand jeans that cost more than just a leg, they even cost an arm. Labels mean a lot in clothes. Labels also mean a lot in spiritual clothes. If Jesus Christ is not on the label of your spiritual clothes you are wearing the wrong clothes.

5. How Do We Change Our Clothes

Paul finishes this section by giving us the keys to changing clothes:

1. Bible Study
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with wisdom. The words “one another” tell us that we must study the Bible with other Christians, not just alone.

2. Corporate Worship
As you sing Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to each other with gratitude in your hearts. It is not the style of song or worship that matters. What matters the attitude of your heart.

3. Service
Whatever you do, whether word or deed, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Whatever we do, jobs, hobbies, recreation, we can do it as a service to the Lord.

4. Prayer
Do it in the name of Christ to God. Prayer is vital.

What clothes are you wearing to worship. Do you have anything on the What Not to Wear list? or are you actively shedding off the clothing of the old person. Are you wearing compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience? Are you dressed bearing with other Christians and forgiving them as the Lord has forgiven you? Over all these virtues have you put on love?

Sunday April 19, 2015 | New Life Fellowship

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Deacons’ Preachin’ April 26th

Chad Foley- Trust God to be Our Protector

Psalm 91:1-4

God gives us a promise. There were recently earthquakes in Nepal. We should look to the Word of God in times like this. Don’t live in the fear of “what if.” For those in Nepal, it is “what is.” For us, it is a hailstorm, tornado, health issues. We can live in a constant worry of fear. We need ot take a step back and breathe. We have to give those things to the Lord. It can be eassier said than done. Don’t dwell on issues that we don’t have control on, such as the weather. Don’t let your “humanism” come out.

If you give it to the Lord, it is a weight of burden off your shoulders. It is such an awesome feeling. No other way to get that feeling, but to give it to the Lord. If we tally up what we can and can’t control, there’s a whole lot of tallies on the can’t control side.

Remember that is what the Bible is for. He gave it to us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We need to listen to Him. He knows us and is there for us. We need to remember to be there for Him as well.

Jerry Rapp- Our Connection with God

John 10:10

We are to honor each other through our actions and our words. Our vertical relationship with God- we look upward. A man once said that if you walk outside on a dark night, clear sky, and don’t believe there is a God, there’s something wrong with you. Our vertical relationship, our intimacy with God, is tied to our horizontal relationship with God. Our horizontal relationship is our reflection of God to others and is also our expression of love for God through our actions and words to others.

Because Christ lives in each of us, we need to remember that we see Christ in our brothers and sisters. How is our words and actions to others horizontally compared to our words and action vertically?

Jerry shared a time when he’d had had back surgery. After the surgery, his spine and brain needed to get themselves back to order. Sinning is like getting surgery and it takes a little work to get back to the full connection with God. Not because God has changed, but because we’ve changed.

Tom Mallory- (Special) What I Know (Aaron Rice & Michael Farren, 2012)

Jack Timmons- The Church

Matthew 16:13-18

Christ built His church upon the fact that God revealed unto us as we need to be revealed unto. We all are a part of the body of Christ. Sometimes that is a little scary because we have problems doing things that we shouldn’t. Overlooking things that need done. Doing things that don’t need done.

Ephesians 1:20-23

God raised Jesus up from the death and set Him to be the head above all things in the church, which is His body. We are the body of Christ, that which Christ paid the price for on the cross. Paul in his writing has claimed that the church exists and functions only by it’s relationship to its head- Jesus. Christ is without need, but is still incomplete without the body which is the body. The body and the head are one in the truest sense. We are a part of Christ. Much like the Olathe Dodge commercial when the employees say “I am Olathe Dodge,” we as Christians could all say “I am in Christ.”

Stephen Jasper- How the Body Works Together

1 Corinthians 12:12-14; 17-27

The body is made up of many parts. No part is greater than the other, less honored than the other, stronger than the other, or weaker than the other. We tend to focus on the more public ministries, but all parts are important.

Have you ever had your hand or foot fall asleep? The brain can tell the hand to move, but the nerves are not allowing the signal to move through correctly. We need to remember that this is similar to when the head of the church tells the body to do something but it might not get done.

Closing: As a church body part, what is your fuction?

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The Shortfalls of Judas April 19th

Sermon Scripture: Matthew 27:1-5
The story of  Judas knowing he was wrong in betraying Christ.

5 Possible Reasons for the Betrayal

1. Judas was the only non-Galilean
2. He might have turned “crowns evidence” to save himself
3. He might have been greedy (30 pieces of silver is about $10,000 today)
4. He might have hated Christ because he couldn’t hide his sinful self
5.  He might have not intended on Christ dying, but wanted Him to finally become the King on which the Jewish people had been waiting.

Matthew 27:5
This scripture shows that Judas hung himself before Christ was even crucified, or even fully tried.

1. Judas’ First Shortfall was Missing the Forgiveness of Christ

Luke 23:34
Jesus forgives the people from on the cross.

2 Peter 3:9
The Lord wants no one to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. Judas hung himself

Matthew 27:4
Judas admits to wrongdoing. He acknowledged his sin.

Matthew 27:3
Judas was seized with remorse over his betrayal.

Romans 3:23
Everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God

2. Judas’ Second Shortfall was Missing the Peace of Christ

John 20:19
The disciples were together afraid of the Roman government when Jesus walked in and gave them peace.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you…

Philippians 4:7
The peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

3. Judas’ Third Shortfall was Missing the Power and Holy Spirit of Christ

Acts 1:8
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you…

Closing: You can avoid the shortfalls of Judas. Admit your sins, believe in Jesus, and confess to Jesus your sins.

Closing Song: Open the Eyes of My Heart (Paul Baloche, 1997)

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Suffering April 12th

Guest Speaker: Nathan Haun- Youth Sunday

Job 1:2-3, Job 1:13-22, Job 2:7
Job was an upright and blameless man who suffered greatly.

1. Improving Ourselves

Popcorn kernels in a bowl. Another bowl with 20 pieces of popcorn. If you had to choose either the unpopped kernels or the popped popcorn, which would you take? Most would take the popped popcorn. We forget that the unpopped kernels have the potential to become popped, but it requires a lot of heat. Sometimes it take a little heat in order for us to change.

2. Sometimes We Bring Suffering on Ourselves

We can take on too much responsibilities. Saying “yes” too often can make us stressed and steal our joy. This is something we do ourselves. Overindulgence on cookies can cause stomach pain, but that pain is not from God, it is something that we’ve caused ourselves.

Job 1:8
Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”

Romans 3:23- All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

If then, Job who was blameless didn’t avoid suffering, neither will we.

Closing: We can work through the suffering, much like Job. He worshiped when he found out bad news. We also have something Job didn’t: Jesus. Reflect on the words to the following song as you think of the struggles that you’ve had.

Lord, I’m Ready Now (Luke Sheets & Tiffany Arbuckle Lee, 2010)

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Jesus, the Resurrected King!! April 5th

1 Corinthians 15:1-22 

“He Lives” First Verse and Chorus. That is a celebration song. We should never tire of “He is Risen.” We should never grow weary of hearing and living those three words- “He is Risen!”

1 Corinthians 15:14
Our faith is useless except for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

1. There is Love in the Resurrection

1 John 4:9 God showed us His love by sending Christ for us.

1 John 3:14 Anyone who does not love remains in death.

2. There is Life in the Resurrection

Romans 6:4-5 We can be raised to life and reunited with Christ

2 Corinthians 5:17 The old has gone, the new has come!

Romans 8:11 He who raised Christ will also give you life

3. There is Hope in the Resurrection

“Because He lives”  Chorus
1 Peter 1:3 We have been given new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ

4. There is Power in the Resurrection

1 Corinthians 6:14 Christ was raised, He will raise us also

You Are My King (Amazing Love) (Billy J. Foote, 1996)

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Sharespiration Sunday March 29th

Opening: Our King and Hosanna Medley [choruses of Hosanna (Praise is Rising) and Hosanna (King of Glory)]

Tom Mallory: My God, My God (David T. Clydesdale, Robin L. Fischette, & Steve Wilkinson, 1997)

Ashley Brooks: He Knows (Jeremy Camp & Seth Mosley)

Children’s Department: You, You, You (Rick Altizer, 2012)

Ashley Brooks: Finally Home (Jeremy Camp & Seth Mosley)

Michael Wakeman, Tom Mallory, & Stephen Jasper: He Made it All Right
In Christ Alone (Keith Getty & Stuart Townend, 2001)

Closing: Behold (Stephen Jasper, 2006)

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Grace March 22nd

Guest Preacher Dennie Chesnut

Scripture: Ephesians 2:8

Grace is getting something you absolutely don’t deserve.

1. To understand grace, we must understand ourselves

Romans 3:23
Everyone has sinned. Every single person has sinned. All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. The only way we are going to receive blessings is by the grace of God. We don’t deserve it.

Romans 7:24-25
O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God- through Jesus Christ our Lord!
If Paul thought this of himself, where does that put us? Who will deliver us? God. O wretched man that I am! I have no hope outside of Jesus Christ.

2. Understand Forgiveness

John 8- Adulterous Woman
The church brought the adulterous woman before Jesus. Not a single person was without sin to throw a stone at the woman. She received forgiveness.

3. Grace is Everything

Genesis 45:20
“Tell them not to wrry about brinignn any of their things iwth them, because we will give them the best of what we have in Egypt.”
Consider the things that we think we need to bring to Jesus to receive grace. Our works are filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6).

God has an open bank account of blessings from which we cannot overdraw. We can’t believe that God cannot do something for us.

2 Peter 1:3-4
By grace are you saved through faith. Faith is a verb that moves. It is not a stagnant word. Believe it. Live it.

3. Not of Works- No Boasting

Closing: Even if you’ve done all you can and come up short. Even if you’ve tried everything to get your life straightened out. You’ll never make it without the grace of God.
Your Grace is Enough (Matt Maher, 2003)

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Who is Jesus? March 15th

There’s Just Something About That Name (Gloria Gaither & William J. Gaither, 1970)

Matthew 10:22
People will hate you because of Jesus.

Telling people you are a Christian can have a profound effect. They might decide to listen to you more or shy away from you.
Matthew 10:22 “All men with hate you because of Me” (NIV)

2 Timothy 4:3

People will flock towards teachers telling them what they want to hear. The messages become being blessed if we take care of each other, but the full story of God is often taken out.

1 John 2:1-14

Love and hate can coexist. We are still in darkness if we do not love our brothers.

We need Jesus in our lives. For Easter, we can go out and buy new clothes, get new haircuts, and make our outside appearance look good. We can work on the outside, but we need to be more concerned with the inside. We have to have the Holy Spirit in our lives everyday. From the inside out, we should be showing Christ.

Invitation and Closing: At Your Name (Phil Wickam & Tim Hughes, 2011)

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Baby Dedication March 8th

Proverbs 22:6
Parents have an obligation to train up their children.

Proverbs 19:18
Don’t make excuses for your children’s poor behavior.  “…do not be a willing party to their death…” Discipline is important because it helps guide children in the ways of right and wrong. No parents wants to say “I wish…I wish…I wish I would have done what I was suppose to as a parent so this wouldn’t have happened.”

Questions to consider:
1. Are children born in the world fully capable of surviving on their own?
2. Other than their instinct, can we say that children are born void of any knowledge of good and evil? Do they know the difference?
3. Do children have to learn everything that will help them live good lives?
4. Whose responsibility is it to train our children?
5. How do children learn?

Colossians 4:5-6
We are to be like Christ in all our ways. Parents are a living example of the Bible to their children as well as to the world. Make sure your example is the one that you want to pass on.

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Church and Missions March 1st

Acts 1:8

Acts 1:14

1. They Prayed Their Prayers

2. Brought Unity
Acts 2:44-47

3. Their Unity Brought Productivity

Closing: What is your desire to carry out missions in the church?
Amazing Love (You Are My King) (Billy J. Foote, 1996)

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Christian Maintenance February 22nd

1. Maintaining the Body
Psalm 139:13-14 “…I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”

God wants us to enjoy our bodies and at the same time He wants us to use them to honor Him and serve Him. We need to take care of our bodies as best we can!

2. Maintaining the Faith
James 2:26 “…faith without works is dead…”

2 Peter 3:18 “…growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…”

Faith maintenance can include being in church, praying, and fellowship with other believers. Excuses for your faith walk can cause deterioration.

3. Maintaining the Church
Ephesians 4:11-12 “…equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ…”

We need to do our part to bring others into the church as well as encourage the people already in church.

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How Do We Improve Our Love Languages? February 15th

Romans 5:5-8

There are five love languages as described by Gary Chapman.
You can find out more about Chapman’s study of love language, you can visit his website.

How Christ died for you and the action that he took and the actions that you can take towards each other. We need to learn  to express love through others’ love language.

Love Language 1: Words of Affirmation

Most people love to be complimented and most forget to affirm others. Those little deeds that you do aren’t always done for affirmation, but it is still nice to receive. Some people’s love language is being affirmed; it is the only thing that really matters to them.

Love Language 2: Acts of Service

aChrist gave the ultimate sacrifice for us to receive salvation. We can show our love for one another through action. The Jerusalem Project is one example of our church’s act of service to others. Ministries at the church are also acts of service.  Mrs. Rhonda Wakeman shared her love language of acts of service.

Love Language 3: Receiving Gifts

Not that gifts have to be given everyday, but some item given out of the blue can mean a lot to people whose language is receiving gifts.

Love Language 4: Quality Time

Quality time can take effort. We are sidetracked with out busy lives, NFL, NASCAR, baseball, whatever. It is easy to want to go home at night and watch television, but never spent quality time with your loved ones.

Love Language 5: Physical Touch

Hugs, kisses, hand holding,  etc.  Pastor Michael Wakeman’s love language is touch. Rhonda shared that she had to learn to accept his love language.
Sometimes someone we love’s language can be difficult for us because it doesn’t feel natural for all of us to express love in that manner, but it is a balance.

Closing: We need to let others know our love language so they know how to act and react towards us on a daily basis. Putting these into place will change our lives and the lives of those around us.
1 Corinthians 13

Closing Song: How He Loves (John Mark McMillan 2005)

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True Love! Sunday February 8th

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

1. The Value of Love

Verses 1-3

Nothing matters if there is not love.

2. The Test of Love

Verses 4-7

Love is patient and kind, rejoices in truth, protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. It does not envy, boast, is not proud, dishonorable, self-seeking, easily angered,

Jealousy can destroy our church, our family, our home, our friends.
Love isn’t jealous

3. The Permanency of Love

Verses 8-13

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”  New International Version (NIV)

Closing: We need to be more committed to God through a relation with Him.
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever (Martin Smith, 1994)

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Are We Killing the Church and Don’t Even Know It? Sunday February 1st

Ephesians 4:11-32

1. By Being Delinquent in Attendance to its Services

Hebrews 10:24-25: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…”

A. Disciple Thomas missed a meeting John 20:24
He truly missed peace, privilege of fellowship with Jesus, and power of Holy Spirit

B. Even going, some are not there whole-hearted
Psalm 122:1, Psalm 84:10

C. Biggest killers of the church are excuse-makers
Sample excuses of- if one person is sick, does the whole family have to stay away. We are willing to push through getting up early, working late, and putting in a lot of work for our schools or jobs, but church takes a backseat.
Any reason or excuse is good if you don’t want to go.

D. Jesus gives us an example to go Luke 4:16

2. You Can Kill a Church by Indifference to its Program

I attend, but I don’t really want to get too involved.
A. Evangelize and Missions
The mission of New Life Fellowship is to exalt God in all HIs glory, equip members for life leadership, and evangelize unbelievers locally and globally.

Action-Action-Action-Action = Participation from the Church
Who is the Church? WE ARE!

Actions speak louder than WORDS.

3. By Being Insensitive to its Needs

A. Ask yourself the questions, “What if every person here was just like me? What kind of church would New Life Fellowship be?”

B. Some people give God their “hand-me-downs”
What’s given to the church should be PERSONAL, PERIODICAL, and PROPORTIONATE (1 Corinthians 16:2).

4. By Being Absent Toward Fellow Church Members

A. Attitude
Ephesians 4:32: Be kind and forgiving
Matthew 6:15, Mark 11:25-26, Matthew 18:21-22

B. Unforgiving Spirit

C. A Bitter Spirit

Conclusion: We are called to attend services, be supportive and active in its programs, giving sensitively to the church, and having fellowship with church family.

Closing Song:  Build Your Kingdom Here (Rend Collective, 2011)

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Your Powerful Testimony Sunday January 25th

Galatians 6:1-17

Several weeks ago, the church was challenged to create their 3-minute testimony.  People like to share stories and want to be heard.

1. Do Good

Verse 10- Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers- NIV

John 16:27- Jesus told His disciples to tell His story

Verse 12- we might be afraid, but we must push forward

2. We have to focus on the cross

Verse 14- boast in nothing but the cross

3. We have to realize we are not the same

Verse 15-16 – We are new creations

4. We must be willing to take the hits. We must be willing to wear the scars.

Verse 17-bear marks of Jesus

Closing Song to Sermon: God is Able (Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan, 2010)

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What is True Discipleship Sunday January 18th

Luke 14:25-35 NIV
To be a disciple of Jesus you must be committed to him above everything else
1. Verses 25-30
Hate refers to a sense of diminished love, or secondary love. We are called to love God first and others second.
2. Verses 31-33
W shouldn’t “pick up the cross” when it’s convenient. We give up everything. We are committed to Him. Our top priority.
3. Verses 34-35
Salt wasn’t always as pure as it is today. Losing saltiness meant that the impure ingredients were mostly left after the flavorful salt had gone. Saltiness cannot be restored, but pure salt can be added back. Going to Sunday School can add salt. Wednesday night can add salt. Reading the Bible can add salt. Being in prayer can add salt.
We need to be disciples, not just followers.

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How To Make The Most Of 2015 January 11th

Proverbs 17:24(NIV)
24 A discerning person keeps wisdom in view,
but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth
1. Accept responsibility for my life
You can either be an Excusers or a Choosers.
Galatians 6:5 New International Version (NIV)
5 for each one should carry their own load.
2. Believe I can change
Philippians 4:13 New International Version (NIV)
13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
There is nothing in 2015 that God can’t handle. If you believe it, you’ll act on it. The past is able to be overcome, the future is in His hands.
3. Clarify what I really want
Decide what is important. Prioritize. If God is at your top, He will be your priority. What are your goals and objectives
4. Don’t wait to begin
Ecclesiastes 11:4 New International Version (NIV)
4 Whoever watches the wind will not plant, whoever looks at the clouds will not reap
There is no perfect time. Things never settle down enough to start. If God is your priority, anytime will work to join a ministry or to step out in faith.
Closing: What are you willing to do to make the most out 2015?
Will your relationship with God be at the top of your priority list?
Will your family and church be at the top of that list?

Closing Song:I Surrender (Matt Crocker, 2011)

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How to Benefit From God’s Word January 4th

James 1:19-27 NIV

1. You Must Be Receptive to God’s Word  James 1:19-21 NIV
2. You Must Be Submissive to God’s Word  James 1:22-25 NIV
3. You Must Be Moved By God’s Word    James 1:26-27 NIV

What from today can you put into practice in 2015?

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Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™